Connect + cross-pollinate with creative entrepreneurs who'll help you make the impact you crave.

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Let’s go from 😖 inaction to in action.🤩

We bring impact-driven creative business owners together to sprout as coequal masterminds within our beautifully curated, distraction-free growth lab. It’s a place unlike anywhere else on Earth for those of us who are out here trying things, not settling, and defining what fulfillment means to us every day. We lead with genuine curiosity and we value actions over ideas.

Members like Robin agree →

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Forge is 3 spaces in one.


A charging station where “actions over ideas” is the ethos since it’s better to act on an okay idea than for a great idea to lay dormant.

growth lab icon


A growth lab infused with weekly co-working sessions, spicy prompts that challenge you to dive deep, and member-led live events.


An inclusive community where you’ll be as respected and valued as all other members, regardless of your ethnicity, skills, or experience.

Join our ecosystem

"It's a great platform, especially for creatives who may not have the means to invest in a coach or be in a high-level program. Definitely would've made a difference if I had something like this when I started. Instead, I invested tens of thousands in programs with no income and felt debt for years."


Growth vibes everywhere.

What awaits you inside...

Learn new things

  • Co-working sessions
  • Member-led events
  • Guest expert workshops
  • Discuss business challenges
  • Actionable growth tips
  • Tests + digests reports

Bond with peers

  • Monthly meet-and-greets
  • Ask our community
  • Work with your peers
  • Share your wins
  • Promote your work
  • Discuss life outside of work

Grow your business

  • Accountability circles
  • Creative rituals
  • Periodic challenges
  • Workshops + playbooks
  • Marketing tool breakdowns
  • Signature courses (add-on)

What you *won't* find inside:

  • Unsolicited sales pitches
  • Inauthentic community members
  • Unhealthy competition and comparisons
  • Guilt-shaming for not logging in or engaging often
  • Jumping between apps to get a full experience

Join an ecosystem of values-aligned creative entrepreneurs who’ve been where you are.

What things are like now

  • On a lonely, harrowing journey
  • Directionless busyness + distracted workflow
  • A sense of inertia and lack of follow-through
  • Lack of enthusiasm around meeting new people
  • In founder-centric hierarchal communities

What things will be like soon

  • A journey of togetherness + empowered energy
  • Intentional, organized direction + workflows
  • Sincere accountability with values-aligned peers
  • Our charm and curiosity will inspire you to connect
  • Flat, circular community of coequal experts

Yep, you can use Forge on the go, too.

"The way Darnell fosters his community and cares about his members is like someone gardening with care. His creativity and unwavering support are not something you find in virtual communities. The accountability circles and co-working sessions spark real-time problem-solving solutions."


Aye, what's up? I'm Darnell.

I’m a growth strategist, designer, and founder of Forge who gives creative entrepreneurs the tools, clarity, and flexibility to do the work that moves them.

Combining experiences, coaching, and strategies, I share proven, empathetic insights from serving 300+ clients of all shapes and sizes since 2008.

5 spicy things you probably didn’t know about me...

  • I stuttered a ton as a kid, but it's now (mostly) under control.
  • I love brownies so much, they make me get real stingy! 😜
  • I have a mild case of OCD, which shows when trying to lock doors.
  • Taco Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week.
  • I’m the clumsiest cat you’ll ever know, ha!

Anyway, helping entities become more human and compelling is my life. I'd love to show you the way as well.

Here's why I created Forge →

Come see for yourself

In some cases, it’s better to show rather than tell, right? If you’re of that ilk, you’ll appreciate this tour de Forge I put together, which will give you a better sense of how our ecosystem feels in the practical sense. And although it’s impossible to share all the value packed into Forge in a 5-min demo, I picked out some of the things our members resonate with the most.

3 reasons you'll love Forge


Get instant access to:

  • Accountability circles
  • Co-working sessions
  • Networking opportunities
  • Live trainings + events
  • Workshops + playbooks
  • Marketing tool breakdowns
  • Promote your offers
  • Host private meetings
  • Guest expert workshops
  • Affiliate partnerships
  • 1:1 + group chat rooms
  • Member directory
  • Weekly digests
  • Quarterly challenges
  • Optional add-ons
Join for $49/month
Join for $499/year

⚡️Save $89 + get 2 month frees on the annual plan.⚡️

"Thanks to a recent co-working session inside Forge, I was able to write 4 emails that I had been putting off for too long AND connect with some great people. It's so cool to see all of the action l've taken directly because of feedback, ideas, and motivation I've received from being a member."


Ok, so you might be thinking...

Forge sounds dope, but it's not a must-have for you right now. Or maybe it sounds great, but you just don't have the bandwidth, so the timing's bad. Or perhaps you're already in too many communities as it is, none of which you're using as much as you'd like. Am I right? Let's address your concerns...


Do you offer any free trials for Forge?

On occasion, we may offer free trials into Forge through some of our events and existing members, but it’s not something we do often and publicly.

That said, we do offer a risk-free period. If you join Forge today and want to cancel your membership before your billing cycle renews, we’ll refund your money if you notify us within 3 days of subscribing.

If I join Forge today, will anyone help me get started in the community?

Yes, we have some folks in Forge who are on hand to help you get acquainted and inspired, along with some helpful resources that you’ll get upon joining.

Plus, you can always reach out to Darnell (our founder) directly via our in-house DM.

What’s so special about Forge compared to other communities for entrepreneurs?

Great question. Here are 5 things that make us, us.

  • Forge helps us align our creative and entrepreneurial identities to work together as one.
  • We’re a space of coequal experts; every member is valued and respected equally, regardless of gender, orientation, age, accolades, skills, and experience.
  • *Actions over ideas* through cross-pollination is the point. We all capitalize and blossom by learning from our peers and experimenting in our respective unique contexts.
  • We’re structured flatly and circularly. There’s nothing hierarchal or patriarchal about it; we’re all adding our own paint strokes to this mural we’re co-creating.
  • We’re a 3-in-1 ecosystem: a growth lab, an inclusive community, and a charging station rolled into one.

Is Forge just a paid Facebook Group or Slack Workspace?

No, buddy! Forge is powered by Circle, which is the best community-hosting platform in the game right now. We do not meet on Facebook or Slack; the entire Forge ecosystem is in one central place.

How can I get the most value out of Forge?

Upon joining Forge, follow our curated onboarding map which will chronologically show you the most treasured aspects of the community based on what the data tells us. All new members are greeted with a workflow that will guide you through it; don’t worry.

Afterward, we recommend testing the waters for yourself and visiting all the spaces available to you, just to get an idea of the entire ecosystem.

What are some of Forge’s best features?

Dedicated, on-platform spaces for various interests + activities, biweekly co-working sessions, genuine connection-fostering, on-platform DMs, events, courses, workshops, trainings, and monthly challenges are some of our best features.

I’d like to join, but I’m worried about paying for another membership I don’t use all that much. Can you help me decide if Forge is right for me?

Forge will be right for you if you act with intention and act on intention; we’re a community of cross-pollinators and ecosystem energizers.

We certainly don’t want you paying for something you’re not really using, but that doesn’t mean you can’t contribute and get value out of Forge at the best cadence that makes sense for you.

Try out Forge for a month and by then, you’ll know whether it’s right for you.

Are doors to Forge open year-round or only during certain times of the year?

Forge is only open during certain periods of the year to protect the integrity of our ecosystem and to prevent us from putting too much emphasis on acquiring new members.

If I join Forge, can I promote my business within the community?

Yes, you may. We have a dedicated space within Forge where we encourage you to share your current offers, works-in-progress, products, services, etc. Not only will it help us get more acquainted with what you do, but we, ourselves may benefit from your business and/or know people who may.

Who is Forge for?

Heart-led, purpose-driven creative entrepreneurs seeking fellowship, education, and growth in a curated, distraction-free space.

We are an inclusive community of folks who enjoy cross-pollinating, learning from one another, and capitalizing upon each other’s experiences and experiments.

What types of members are in Forge?

Forge is currently home to several types of creative entrepreneurs: copywriters, brand strategists, community strategists, content creators, fractionals, consultants, and business coaches.

What if someone in Forge starts harassing me; are there any safeguards in place to protect members?

Should you ever feel harassed or disrespected, please immediately let an admin know and we will work to resolve the issue promptly.

Additionally, our community guidelines—in which we express that harassment is intolerable and unacceptable—are mandatory reading upon joining Forge.

This is also one of the reasons we are very selective about offering free trials into our community; we don’t want just anyone joining Forge unintentionally and without careful consideration. As a paid ecosystem, we attract creative entrepreneurs who are serious about learning, bonding, and growing.

Can I look inside Forge before deciding whether to join?

Yes, here’s a quick tour that will give you an idea of the look and feel of Forge.

What’s included with my membership?

Access to all that Forge offers, depending on the plan you choose. As a member, you’ll enjoy ongoing access to events, tool breakdowns, challenges, rituals, workshops, playbooks, network directories, opportunities to promote your business, and more.

Do you have any community guidelines?

Yes, and every member must read and adhere to those guidelines upon joining Forge. Our community guidelines are presented just after sign-up.

Will I see ads anywhere in Forge?

No. While working with values-aligned sponsors may become a future opportunity worth exploring, it won’t be via any traditional advertising placements.

Furthermore, we’ll consult with our founding members before doing something dramatic like that.

If I change my mind after I join Forge, can I get my money back?

Yes, if you join Forge and decide it’s not for you, if you cancel your membership within the first 3 days and notify us, we will refund your money.

What if I leave Forge before my current billing cycle has ended, will I get a pro-rated refund?

We don’t do pro-rated refunds, but if you cancel your membership within the first 72 hours of joining Forge and notify us, we’ll refund your subscription fee in full.

What if I need additional support beyond what Forge provides? Do you offer any 1:1 coaching?

Yes, depending on bandwidth. Darnell and several other Forge members offer 1:1 coaching. You can DM Darnell directly inside Forge and/or ask the community for the type of help you’re looking for to see whether a member can help.

Do you offer any sponsorship or partnership opportunities?

We love working with values-aligned brands and entities, so if you have an idea in mind for how we can partner up, email us at and we’ll get back to you.

What kinds of events do you host inside Forge?

Meet-and-greets, accountability circles, co-working sessions, guest expert trainings, round tables, product demos, collabs, block parties, and more to come.

Ready to do this?

Forge is a charging station, growth lab, and ethical community for creative entrepreneurs tired of sitting on the sidelines with dope ideas and ready to take deliberate action to leave a greater impact.

Who doesn’t want quality people supporting you, rooting for you, and giving you that kick in the rear whenever you’re hung up on things that don’t matter? Ha!

If you’re Type A (like me), introverted, and/or hate needless complexity, how about no more hopping between an FB Group, Slack, Messenger, Voxer, and email to engage and converse with fellow members? Forge houses posts, events, chats, and trainings in one central place. You can even DM one another, send audios, and attach files, on-platform.

If you're still on the fence, just give it one month and see if it's for you; no harm in that. No matter how busy you are, that's enough time to hop in, look around, learn a bit, and decide whether you want to stick around for longer. And if it's not for you, you can cancel your membership and "Bye, Felicia!" Forge with no probs.